Angelika Lysiak
Bilateral Meetings
- Thursday 14:00 - 16:00
The Regional Contact Point (RCP) for UE Framework Programmes operates as a part of the Regional Centre of Innovation and Technology Transfer (RCIiTT) and is a link in a network of Western Pomeranian Contact Points at the top five universities in the region. In addition to promoting research teams, RCP provides a variety of customer support programmes, including consultations, training sessions and workshops concerning EU funds for research & development, new technologies, innovative implementations in industrial sectors and transnational research fellowships. RCP primarily aims at increasing scientists’ awareness of the range of research opportunities offered by the European framework programmes and thereby encourages participation in those programmes. As a regional public body operating in the international context, RCP has both the knowledge of the Region’s research and economic potential and experience in international cooperation. Owing to long practice in the framework programmes and other R&D international initiatives, RCP assists its customers (researchers, entrepreneurs) in preparation and submission of proposals and in actual conducting the projects. The RCP efforts bring fruit in successful projects and in co-operative endeavours which results in numerous internationally funded projects. RCP assists the Region’s successful scientists in their negotiations with the European Commission, in preparing the consortium agreement, and in project management. RCP’s work contributes to the effective and efficient running of international cooperation and scientific research. RCP offers: - individual meetings with potential beneficiaries of European funds; - supporting potential beneficiaries by organising information and awareness campaigns, training courses, information days and workshops; - preparation of technical guides to assists researchers and entrepreneurs in efficient applying for funding and in implementing their innovative ideas; - maintaining a regional database of scientists, organisations and enterprises interested in taking innovative research actions; - providing consultations, seminars and mailing services aimed at supplying its addressees with the most current and relevant information concerning RTD.